How to virus-proof your house (Part 2)

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The MCO may require us to stay in our homes, but at times, this can be tough, especially if a large family is taken into account. Food is required to sustain them, and a periodic visit to the nearest grocery store may be inevitable. However, this is no excuse for us to shirk our duties to protect the household. Here are a few things you can do to virus-proof your house:

1/ Disinfect the exterior

Cleaning door knob with alcohol spray for Covid-19 Coronavirus p

The exterior of your house presents the best opportunity for the virus to inhabit, especially places where hand contact is frequent, such as the gate handle, doorknob and the door itself. You can start by disinfecting the surfaces of the handle and doorknob and wiping down the door. If you rely on food delivery to sustain your family, then be sure to clean the doorbell switch as well.

2/ Sanitisers at the entrance

man hands using wash hand sanitizer gel dispenser, against Novel

Studies suggest that the Covid-19 virus is transmitted by touch as well as through the air. One way to minimise your risk of exposure is by maintaining good hand hygiene. Place a hand sanitizer near the door entrance, possibly at waist level so that people do not need to bend down to use it. The convenience should reduce procrastination and encourage your family members or guests to sanitise their hands as they enter your home.

3/ Separate your footwear


With the Covid-19 outbreak going on, it is best to keep your shoes outside of the house. If you are afraid of having your expensive footwear being stolen, then keep them indoors, but placed in a box. Later on, you may transfer them over to the balcony to be exposed to the sun as this will help kill the virus. Alternatively, you can use disinfectants to clean your footwear.

4/ Disinfect your money

Infectious money concept. Dirty money. new coronavirus 2019-nCoV

Money is handled by thousands of people, changing hands effortlessly as it circulates the country via transactions. Thus, it is a paradox that money is among some of the dirtiest but most valuable possessions that we have. The Covid-19 virus has proven its versatile ability to spread quickly, which calls for the unorthodox idea to either wash or disinfect your money.

Coins are easy to clean as you can place them into a basin with water and a soap solution, but the paper notes are a little delicate. Like your shoes, you can dry them in the sun, or if speed is favoured, use a hairdryer to dry them after you have, forgive the pun, laundered them.

5/ Minimise your accessories


Before leaving the house, it is advisable to reduce the amount of surface area on your being where the virus can adhere to. Handphones, watches, necklaces, bracelets and wallets are among the accessories that receive frequent hand contact but are rarely washed. Keep your accessories to a bare minimum and use substitutes. For example, you may utilise a small plastic bag to store your money or cards instead of a wallet, which can then be disposed of after use.

For more tips, check out How to virus-proof your house (Part 1)

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