Enhance your home with mirrors

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Luxurious Art-Deco entrance hall with a large designer mirror.

Contrary to popular beliefs, mirrors serve many other purposes besides feeding an individual’s vanity or insecurity. Naturally, they take their place in the bathroom and powdering room. But with a little creativity, mirrors deserve a spot in every living space.

Going back to the dark ages, mirrors have always been associated with the magical, and our ancestors are not wrong. Its mere presence could easily enlarge a small room, brighten up a dark corner or bend reality by fooling the observer’s eyes. Hence, an astute home decorator knows a thing or two about using mirrors to liven up space.

Substitute windows

Mirror with chrome frame on the wall vector template.

It is not uncommon for us to feel stifled in a room without windows since  enclosed spaces give off the impression of being underground. One easy solution to this conundrum is by placing a square or rectangular-shaped mirror on the wall, complete with wooden frames or shutters to resemble a window. 

The depth created by the mirror should alleviate the feeling of claustrophobia while expanding the space. This technique can also be used to enhance your room, especially if the window overlooks an unappealing view like the inside of a condominium. The more mirrors on the wall, the more windows you have. Just don’t overdo it.

Fool the eyes

Insecure pretty woman

Large homes don’t come cheap, especially the ones located within the city centre. If you are running on a low budget, opt for a small home that looks big. Besides buying a home with a creative layout to maximise space, mirrors are your best bet to give the impression of spaciousness

The general thumb rule here is that the bigger the mirror, the more space it will appear to create. For example, attaching a mirror wall in your room effectively doubles its size. Using the same principle, you can place a mirror at the end of the corridor to lengthen it considerably. Additionally, you can use a mirror to liven up your party by increasing the number of attendees.

Play with the light

Abstract mirror. Close-up.

People rarely turn on the bulbs at home during the day, preferring to rely on natural lighting from the sun. However, if the room is large enough to be cavernous, there would be dark corners or areas requiring a little brightening. For starters, you could usher in the extra light by placing a mirror opposite or next to the window. 

If the light derived is still insufficient to illuminate the necessary spot, consider placing the mirror near a lamp instead. The reflection from both artificial and natural lighting makes for a fine combination to brighten your scheme. Another trick is to have mirrors at the entranceway leading into your home. This will bring more light into the living space while creating an uplifting ambience.

Let’s make art


Besides the ability to create illusions, mirrors make for a fine decorative material. You can quickly touch up a dull wall in your living room simply by having a mirror as the centrepiece. Those that come with ornate carvings at the frame are viable substitutes for art pieces. 

Even better, use a collection of them to form a tapestry. These could either be of uniform shape and colour or an eclectic mix of many variations. Do exercise some restraint as too many mirrors will make the environment feel busy and loud. Alternatively, choose one big, bold statement mirror, then build your scheme around it. There are many configurations to choose from, so let your creativity run free as you decorate your home.

Need tips on how to make the perfect home? Check out PerfectLivin for more information.

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