MIEA against racial discrimination in real estate transaction

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“Although most agents’ duty is to serve the landlord who is their client, we also have a duty of care to the tenants," said Lim.

“Although most agents’ duty is to serve the landlord who is their client, we also have a duty
of care to the tenants," said Lim.

PETALING JAYA: The issues of racial discrimination among some landlords in the renting of their properties is of great concern. If unchecked, this may cause a divide among races and eventually break the core existence of a plural society. 

While Malaysia is proud to state that the people practice multiculturalism and co-existence among races, racial discrimination in the name of providing shelter over someone’s head must be taken seriously as it is a basic necessity.

“In this respect, the Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA) supports the government’s initiative to enact the Residential Tenancy Act (RTA) which in general is a good move to protect tenants and landlords. 

“It should provide a win-win formula for both the landlords and tenants. In this respect, we in the MIEA, representing the 25,000 real estate practitioners make this clarion call to the prime minister and the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT) to address the issue of racial discrimination in the renting of premises,” said MIEA president Lim Boon Ping in a press release.


The RTA, currently being drafted by KPKT is expected to be tabled in early 2021 and aims to protect both owners and tenants. 

Amongst the provisions will be mechanisms to address landlord and tenant disputes. Currently, landlords and tenants have to rely on the provisions in the National Land Code 1965. 

“While we respect the arguments that the owner has the right to decide who they want as a tenant, it should not go against norms and justice when certain races are precluded from renting, that would be racial discrimination. 

“It is important to state that race has nothing to do with the capability of a person to service their rental obligations. We should be more concerned whether the individual, no matter what race, is capable of being a good tenant,” Lim said

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