Day 3: Free seminars by a star-studded lineup of experts at the Mid Valley Fair

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By Daveena Kaur

It’s the last day of the Fair! Today will feature more knowledgeable speakers in many different areas of expertise.


The Fair runs from May 18th until 20th, 2019 at the Mid Valley Exhibition Centre (Halls 2 and 3) from 11 am to 9 pm. This is your last chance to listen and learn from the best!

Calvin Kong


Calvin is the founder and CEO of Interspace. His topic will be on Secrets to Maximizing Your Rental Returns via ID. He will delve deeper into the issues of peoples’ inability to get quality tenants, overpriced ID costs in the market with a reduced ROI, and the ‘pricing game’ that happens in almost every newly completed condo.

Among the various things that people can expect to learn, identifying the types of property in the market is the secret to packaging your property. Listeners can expect to learn important keys and tips when buying property such as always having an exit plan, learning how to maximize rental returns before investing, and treating the property as a business.

Jessie Lee


Jessie is the owner and founder of Soleil Trinity Resource. Jessie’s topic at the fair is titled Let the Qi Flow - Choose the Best Home for You & Your Family. Soleil Trinity is a professional Chinese Metaphysics boutique consultancy in Malaysia. She specialises in tarot card reading, BaZi consultation, palm and face reading, feng shui, and auspicious date selection. Jessie has over 20 years of experience in the industry and she conducts workshops and training sessions worldwide.

Jessica Jong


Jessica is an experienced independent Mortgage Management Specialist and based on her area of expertise, her topic will be How to Pay Off Your Mortgage Fast. Jessica is a trained speaker who provides professional advice on mortgage management and solutions for saving mortgage loan interest payable to banks.

She guides people through the topics of debt management, understanding how banks and interest rates work, and how people can make sure to always pay the correct amount to avoid debt piling up altogether.

David Kok


David will be talking about Important Matters You Need to Discuss with Your Solicitors to Protect Your Interest. He is a Partner at Messrs David Kok & Partners. David is an advocate and solicitor, and he specializes in conveyancing matters. He is one of the official Legal Advisors and Honorary member at the Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA).

Being a regular speaker on property issues, he has contributed articles to various property magazines such as Just Property, Property Insight and more. Using his knowledge in law and property, he has also put together a 650-page law reference book.

This is your last chance to visit us and explore all the beautiful properties that are being showcased. The Fair is happening on May 18th, 19th, and 20th, 2019 at the Mid Valley Exhibition Centre (Halls 2 and 3) from 11 am to 9 pm.

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