Plastering a wall

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By Kevin Eichenberger

Instead of tiles or paint, you might consider going the artistic route and giving your wall a luxurious bespoke treatment with a Venetian plaster finish worthy of the Renaissance masters

Photo by Mona Eendra on Unsplash.

Photo by Mona Eendra on Unsplash.

You could pick up a ready-made Venetian plaster mix from the hardware store, or you could go a step further by mixing your own batch with lime-based plaster and around 40% of the mixture composed of marble powder.

The entire procedure requires three coats: a skim coat, a texture coat, and a finishing coat.

1. Once you have a batch of marble powder and plaster mixed, begin by applying a skim coat using light and uniform flourishes with a hand trowel.

2. Allow the skim coat to dry and proceed with the next coat. The texture coat provides your wall with a sense of depth, so feel free to let your creativity loose at this point. Create negative spaces in this layer by applying the plaster with a trowel held at a slightly higher angle than with the skim coat.

3. Once you’re satisfied with the texture and the texture coat has dried, apply a finishing coat in a manner similar to the skim coat – but with just enough creativity to allow the texture to show through.

4. Let it dry, and then proceed to polish the surface with increasingly fine grades of sandpaper – starting with 400 grit and then proceeding with 600 grit to complete the polishing.

5. The final step would be to apply paste wax for protection and waterproofing, this can be done with a sponge or cloth.



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