Mah Sing’s Raya video focuses on family togetherness

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A scene of the Raya themed video.

A scene of the Raya themed video.

KUALA LUMPUR: This year’s Mah Sing Group Bhd’s (Mah Sing) Raya Aidilfitri video is focused on family togetherness with the theme Claim Back Raya. Shot in its third Rawang township Delphy @ M Aruna, the video also aims to raise public awareness about how important it is to celebrate the auspicious occasion with family and loved ones.

The story depicts a devoted mother who lives alone, trying her best to strengthen family bonds as well as keep her family together after a two-year pandemic. The plot captures the hearts and attention of the audience throughout the whole video as well as the mother’s emotions shifting from up to down and back up after the family is reunited. 

“Since the pandemic began, families and friends have suffered from separation even during the blissfulness festival. Hence, in Mah Sing, we want to convey the message that spending time with family is of utmost importance, and by having quality space for the quality moments drives us to develop quality homes. As we enter the endemic stage on April 1st, we will appreciate the times when we can all finally get together to celebrate Raya,” said Mah Sing group chief executive officer Datuk Ho Hon Sang.

"While we are all adjusting to the new normal, we must never forget that nothing can prevent us from celebrating Hari Raya together. As a result, we hope that the video will have a long-lasting impact and on behalf of Mah Sing, I would like to wish everyone a happy Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir, and Batin,” he said. 
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