House Cleaning Hacks With Baking Soda (Part 2)

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Shopping for detergents can be quite a chore, especially with the multitude of cleaning agents we buy to clean the house—one for the floor, another for the dishes and more for the sofa or toilet.

But why bother with all these products when baking soda could assume the role of all these cleaning detergents. Feeling sceptical? Try these few house cleaning hacks, then reconsider:

1/ Deodorise the oven


One sure way of stinking up your oven is by baking meat dishes, as protein-based particles tend to stick to the inner surface of the oven. When left for a few days, they start to smell.

But fret not, as the baking soda makes for an excellent odour absorbent. First, mix one-and-a-half cups of baking soda with water. Make sure not to use too much water. Ideally, the paste should form a spreadable consistency that you can use to coat the oven.

Spread the paste all over the insides of the oven. Make sure that every nook and cranny is coated, with the exception of the heating element. Close the oven door and let the mixture rest for around 12 hours. Once the wait is over, revisit your oven and spray vinegar on the surface to further activate the baking soda. Complete the cleaning process with a damp cloth to wipe off the paste.

2/ Drain the drain


With a little knowledge of home chemistry, you can easily unclog a sink. Pour a few tablespoons of baking soda into the drain, then chase it down with hot vinegar.

The mixture of baking soda and vinegar releases carbon dioxide, which creates a violent fizzling that should break up the clog. Follow up by pouring a jug of boiling water into the drain to clean up the residue.

3/ Dish cleaners are not mandatory

Washing dishes

Not only is baking soda cheaper than dish cleaners, they also do not contain harmful chemicals that would irritate your skin, which would have required the protective measure of gloves. Start by disposing the remains on your dirty plates and gently rinse them with water.

Then set aside a basin of water and add baking soda into it, preferably a few tablespoons, and stir a little to let it dissolve. Place the dishes into the dishwater, allowing them to soak for a while as you prepare the sponge for scrubbing. Add dry baking soda to the surface of a damp sponge and scour the plates. Finish the work by rinsing the dishes with water.

Want to know more about the application of baking soda? Check out our previous article House cleaning hacks with baking soda (part 1)

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