A moment in StarProperty’s timeline

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MDA e-Invitation 2023The milestones that were achieved over the eight years

StarProperty is a renowned and influential platform in the real estate industry that has a rich history ever since it was incorporated in 2005. Founded with the vision of revolutionising the way people discover and invest in properties, StarProperty has become an omni-channel platform and a key player in the property market.

The origins of StarProperty can be traced back to its establishment as an online portal in 2009. Recognising the growing demand for a reliable platform that caters to the diverse needs of property seekers, the Star Media Group envisioned a comprehensive platform that would provide valuable insights, resources and listings for both residential and commercial properties.

From its early days, StarProperty rapidly gained traction and became a go-to platform for property enthusiasts, investors and industry professionals. The platform's commitment to delivering accurate, up-to-date and relevant information, coupled with its user-friendly interface, propelled its popularity and solidified its position as a trusted authority in the real estate realm.

Over the years, StarProperty expanded its services and offerings to meet the evolving demands of the market. One of the significant milestones in StarProperty's history was the establishment of the StarProperty Awards. Introduced in 2016, these prestigious awards recognise excellence in various categories, including property development, architecture, sustainability and innovation. The StarProperty Awards have become a benchmark of distinction within the industry, showcasing the best and most innovative projects and setting the standard for excellence in the real estate sector.

Today, StarProperty continues to thrive and evolve, staying at the forefront of the industry by leveraging technology and embracing new trends. It showcases the latest real developments, market news, area studies and property fairs, which are relevant to industry stakeholders such as home buyers, investors, entrepreneurs, developers, real estate agents and real estate industry professionals.

StarProperty remains committed to providing valuable insights, expert advice and a seamless user experience. With its strong reputation, extensive network, and dedication to quality, StarProperty has become an indispensable resource in the real estate landscape, empowering individuals and businesses to make informed decisions and embark on successful property journeys.

As it looks towards the future, StarProperty remains dedicated to its mission of transforming the way people engage with the real estate market, fostering transparency, trust and innovation to shape the future of property investments and experiences.



Introducing the StarProperty Awards 

The year 2016 is a prominent milestone for StarProperty, as it marked the inception of the StarProperty Awards. It started with 10 categories and two All-Stars Awards, namely the Top Ranked Developers Award and The Readers’ & Voters’ Choice Award.


Bigger and better in year two 

The StarProperty Awards returned to introduce eight new award categories. This was to reflect the various values that collectively form the basis of quality in town-making, development building and ultimately, the notion of housing the nation’s people. 


Looking to the East 

Entering its third year, the StarProperty Awards went beyond the Peninsular to extend its influence into East Malaysia. Four new award categories had been added to recognise a wider variety of property design elements and the added geographical location of participants’ projects.


Encompassing a wider field 

The StarProperty Awards further expanded to include hotels, landmark public buildings, luxury developments according to price range, and most importantly, acts of kindness, such as corporate social responsibility programs designed to give back to the people. Five new award categories were introduced in 2019.


Putting developer’s performance on the microscope 

To further bolster the awards, a list of stringent measurements had been introduced — qualitative and quantitative assessments designed to better vet through, and determine the best developers among them all. Due to the outbreak of Covid-19, the award presentation was done virtually for the first time. 


Overcoming the pandemic wave

2021 was no less challenging than 2020. Having gained experience from the first virtual awards, the second virtual fair was much smoother although fewer entries were submitted as many projects were interrupted by the multiple movement control orders.


A resurgence of renewed drive  

Riding on the recovery of the Malaysian economy, many property developers launched and reignited their respective projects. The result was that the StarProperty Awards 2022 experienced the most number of participants with 110 entries vying for 30 categories. 


A fresh start 

For the first time, the All-Stars Awards ranked the Top 10 participating property developers. Similarly, the Top 5 non-listed companies were also ranked. Six new categories were added, making 2023 the year with the most categories with a respectable 96 winners.

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