
Property Insights & Reviews : Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park

Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park

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Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park is an established business hub located in Kuchai, Kuala Lumpur. Residential developments such as De Tropicana, Kuchai Avenue and Sri Desa Entrepreneurs Park are some of Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park’s immediate neighbours.Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park offers leasehold 3-storey shop-offices, sprawled in 15 lines of blocks. It is a very huge business centre and it stores several well-known establishments including Alliance Bank, Hong Leong Bank, Old Town White Coffee, DBKL Seputeh branch, Station One Café and the infamous Genneva Malaysia HQ. There is also BHP petrol station within the area.Tenants or patrons can easily enjoy various amenities like restaurants, cafes, saloons, boutiques, all of them located within the vicinity of Kuchai Entrepreneues Park. And located within a short walk away are other amenities located in commercial areas like Sri Desa Entrepreneurs Park where residents can find more amenities such as clinics, boutiques, mini markets, supermarkets and so on. Schools such as SK Seri Setia and SMK Seri Sentosa are just some of the educational institutions located within a 0.5km radius away from Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park. Public transportation is convenient with bus stations located at different points along Jalan Kuchai Lama which is also the main route to travel to and fro from Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park.

Property Details

  • Name: Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park
  • Address: Kuchai Lama, Selangor
  • Type: Shop-Office
  • Tenure: Leasehold
  • No. of Storey: 3
  • Land Area: 4,395 sf (45’ x 97’)
  • Built-up: From 901 sf to 1,540 sf
  • Rental:
  • Market Trends

    Latest transaction in Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park, Kuchai

    SPA Date Address Size Price
    05/07/2016 Jalan X/Xb 872 ft2 222000
    19/05/2016 Jalan X/Xb 721 ft2 250000
    17/05/2016 Jalan X/Xb 958 ft2 150000
    07/05/2016 Jalan X/Xb 872 ft2 222000
    05/05/2016 Jalan X/Xb 721 ft2 240000


    Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park is undoubtedly one of the prime business centres in Kuchai area. It serves a wide range of businesses within the area from a printing company to reflexology centres. It is blessed with a constant traffic flow of customers and this can be evidenced by the traffic congestion during business hours.There are several new similar commercial areas have been built nearby to Kuchai Entrepreneurs park – but one can easily say that Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park is the best and most crowded amongst all. Among the nearby commercial areas include Kuchai Business Park, Sri Desa Entrepreneurs Park and Kuchai Dynasty Centre. The traffic congestions especially during peak hours and rainy days is extremely bad and is also one of the main concerns of many of the tenants there. Besides that, parking is also an issue and patrons have to either look for a car park for hours or illegally double park their car to do their business.
    Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park是个位于吉隆坡Kuchai区的商业中心,附近的住宅楼盘有De Tropicana,而其他商业中心如Kuchai Avenue和Sri Desa Entrepreneurs Park也近在咫尺。Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park属于租赁产权,共有15排楼高3层的商铺,为大型商业中心,并有不少大型企业进驻这里,包括安联银行(Alliance Bank)、丰隆银行(Hong Leong Bank)、旧街场白咖啡(Old Town White Coffee)、吉隆坡市政局Seputeh分行、Station One 咖啡厅和大马Genneva的总部。附近设有BHP油站。此区设施应有尽有,租户和客户可在Kuchai Entrepreneues Park内找到餐厅、咖啡厅、发廊和服饰店等;在短时间步行可至的地方也设有商业中心,如Sri Desa Entrepreneurs Park,居民可在这里找到诊所、服饰店、迷你市场和商场等,非常方便。距离Kuchai Entrepreneues Park约0.5公里的范围内,设有不少学校,包括Seri Setia国小和Seri Sentosa国中。若要搭乘公共交通也很方便, Jalan Kuchai Lama是往返此商业中心的主要道路,此路设有多个巴士站。


  • 名称:Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park
  • 地址:Kuchai Lama, Selangor
  • 类型:商店铺
  • 产权:租赁地契
  • 层数:3层
  • 土地面积:4,395 sf (45’ x 97’)
  • 实用面积:从901 sf 至1,540 sf
  • 租金:RM1,450 - RM5,600
  • Market Trends

    Latest transaction in Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park, Kuchai

    SPA Date Address Size Price
    05/07/2016 Jalan X/Xb 872 ft2 222000
    19/05/2016 Jalan X/Xb 721 ft2 250000
    17/05/2016 Jalan X/Xb 958 ft2 150000
    07/05/2016 Jalan X/Xb 872 ft2 222000
    05/05/2016 Jalan X/Xb 721 ft2 240000


    Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park是Kuchai区其中一个举足轻重的商业中心,租户业务多元化,从印刷公司到脚底按摩保健中心,都应有尽有。在工作时间,此区的交通也拥堵非常,由此可见这区人潮汹涌,客流量很大。虽然这区也设有多个商业中心,但如果以人潮来判断,Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park可说是大赢家,表现最标青。附近其他的商业中心有Kuchai Business Park、Sri Desa Entrepreneurs Park和Kuchai Dynasty Centre。尤其在交通繁忙时段或下雨天时,此区的交通情况非常恶劣,这也是租户最担忧和关注的问题之一。除此,泊车问题也令客户头疼不已,很多时候更需要花超过1小时来找停车位,有时还逼不得已违例停车。
